Platfio Integrations
Your apps support the most common API integrations out-of-the-box and can integrate with anything. With Platfio, seamless App integrations are possible with any system you need.

Out-of-the-box integrations
Your app supports the most common and useful integrations out-of-the-box (depending on your plan).

Send push notifications
via Google’s FCM.

Process payments
instantly through Stripe.

Start analyzing data
using Google Analytics.

Send email with

Send sms messages
using Twilio.
Integrating anything
With your apps ‘Integrate Anything’ system we can use webhooks (and a little ‘know-how’) to create virtually any integration you need.
Send webhook
from your app.
Webhooks are messages that your app can send anywhere. Setting up these messages in response to a ‘trigger’ takes a few minutes using our video lessons.
Receive webhook
in integration service
Using an ‘integration service’ you can receive the webhooks outputted by your app and do virtually anything.
Use integration
service to do task
Depending on the integration service you choose, various tasks can be completed. These examples barely scratch the surface of what’s possible.
Next Steps
Out of the box, our super starter templates include the perfect combination of features and integrations to suit your
industry and budget.
If you need your app to have an extra edge over the competition checkout our platform builds where virtually anything is possible.